The workshop about The Academic burnout syndrome: prevalence, prevention, diagnosis and intervention

In the period 15.12.2022- 16.12.2022, the workshop Academic burnout syndrome: prevalence, prevention, diagnosis and intervention was held at the Centre of Innovation and e-Health of “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania. During the 10-hour workshop, participants learned about essential information about the academic burnout by using the results of the Erasmus+ international project BENDiT-EU. The BENDiT-EU research team, Liliana Diaconescu, Alexandra Mihăilescu and Ovidiu Popa-Velea, presented the main activities which focused on the results of the BENDiT-EU project, namely the Burnout Manual, the Burnout Web Platform and the Curriculum about the academic burnout dedicated to students, as well as moderated the practical activities, such as debates, focus-groups and role-play, with the aim of facilitating the raise in awareness of academic burnout and offering the opportunity of integrating and applying humanistic values and principles by students in the Medical and allied health fields. The target audience was comprised of 20 Medical students of  “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania.

1. The workshop The burnout syndrome in the medical domain: prevalence, prevention, diagnosis, intervention

On the 8th of February 2023, The Medical Psychology Department, in collaboration with the Epidemiology I Department, organized a 5-hour workshop about burnout in the medical field called The burnout syndrome in the medical domain: prevalence, prevention, diagnosis, intervention in the Centre of Innovation and e-Health of “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania. The workshop targeted residents specialized in Epidemiology and Public Health and Management. This workshop was a continuation of the workshop for Medical students. During this event, information about the results of the BENDiT-EU project was locally disseminated by the research team of the BENDiT-EU project, Liliana Diaconescu, Alexandra Mihăilescu and Ovidiu Popa-Velea. As such, residents became familiar with the Burnout Manual (IO1), the Burnout Web Platform (IO2), and the importance of implementing a Curriculum dedicated to burnout (IO3).

2. The workshop The Academic Burnout Syndrome: diagnosis, risks, solutions

A 2-hour Medical Education activity about academic burnout, named The Academic Burnout Syndrome: diagnosis, risks, solutions, took place on the 17th of March 2023 during the event called The Medical Education Days (ZEM), organized by SSMB- The Society of Medical Students from Bucharest, Romania. During this symposium, relevant theoretical concepts of academic burnout were presented, as well as standardized instruments for the diagnosis and screening for burnout in the academic context. A special attention was given to the main prevention and intervention methods dedicated to Medical and allied health domains. The topics focused on the results of the Erasmus+ project BENDiT-EU, namely, the Burnout Manual and the Burnout Web Platform (BWP). The BENDiT-EU research team, Liliana Diaconescu and Ovidiu Popa-Velea mentioned that the Burnout Web Platform is a very useful resource in the screening for the burnout syndrome, in providing local information about how to get free support, in offering answers to frequently asked questions about burnout and academic burnout and suggesting practical self-help in distress solutions for Medical and allied-health students.

3. From academic burnout to physicians’ burnout: an unavoidable transition?

Date: May 5th, 2023

Event: The Burnout Symposium organized by the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

12 keynote speakers in 3 distinct sections


Language: Romanian


Assoc Prof Dr Ovidiu Popa-Velea

From academic burnout to physicians’ burnout: an unavoidable transition?

Included in the session: What information do we have in this moment?


  • The presentation displayed the importance of the early prevention of physicians’ burnout, via prevention of academic burnout.
  • Data from literature where presented and discussed.
  • In a distinct part of the presentation, the practical usefulness of the BENDiT-EU project was commented. A specific attention was allocated to the 4 intellectual outputs (IOs) of the project, in terms of their implementation at:
  • the individual level of prevention (IO1, IO3: knowledge of the burnout syndrome; IO1: facilitating the call to community resources for managing academic stress, IO2: transversal and dynamic self-evaluation);
  • the individual level of intervention (IO1, IO2, IO3 – for the benefit of University Counselling Centres, tutors, mentors, psychotherapists in private practice);
  • the micro-pedagogical-formative collective level (optional course or extracurricular workshop curriculum);
  • the macro collective level – university policies (IO4 – curriculum flexibility, more nuanced/ personalized assessment, implementation of more effective support systems for students)

4. The European BENDiT-EU project dedicated to the academic burnout syndrome: results and perspectives

Date: May 25th, 2023

Event: The 21st Congress of the Romanian Society of Occupational Medicine, Sinaia, Romania


Assoc Prof Dr Ovidiu Popa-Velea

Department of Medical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy– Bucharest, Romania


60 persons, mostly Occupational Medicine specialists 

Key points:

  • In recent decades the prevalence of the burnout syndrome among workers in the medical environment has steadily increased.
  • Its primary prevention, as well as the outline of a functional case management system of burnout, represent stringent requirements.
  • Developing awareness about the risks of burnout in medical academic contexts, as well as effective coping strategies, can have positive long-term consequences both at the individual and organizational levels.
  • The European project BENDiT-EU, coordinated by the UMF Carol Davila – Bucharest, aimed to prepare a comprehensive set of resources for the prevention and management of burnout in universities of Medicine.
  • Partners in the project: the National Institute of Health Services Management

(INMSS) from Bucharest; University of Nicosia, Cyprus; University of Murcia, Spain;

Lusofona University, Portugal; Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria and VITECO, Italy.

  • Target groups: students in Medicine and in health-related fields from the partner countries, the support staff working in the five universities within the BENDiT-EU project, and the representatives of governing bodies, responsible for developing policies at the university level.
  • Products realized:
  1. Burnout manual-pocket edition (in English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Greek, Romanian,

Portuguese and Italian): its main objective is to increase the level of awareness of students at

Medicine and from fields related to Medicine regarding academic burnout. It is structured in three chapters (dedicated to diagnosis, prevention, and therapeutic interventions).

  1. Burnout web platform: provides to users the real-time opportunity to self-assess their level

of burnout, in association with their well-being, depression and resilience. At the same time, it offers information about access to resources offered by local communities, frequently asked questions about burnout and basics about self-management interventions for burnout symptoms.

  1. The curriculum for students: is structured in two modules lasting 5 days [module 1 –

The concept of academic burnout, assessment and identification (3 days), module 2 – Interventions and resources for academic burnout (2 days)]. In addition to the basic text support, this curriculum contains presentations in Powerpoint, with annotated slides for teachers or trainers.

The Train-the-trainer guide for trainers and support staff: provides basic information on

the way of presenting curriculum information. It also helps the trainers in checking the understanding of the information by the target group.

  1. Policy suggestions: aimed at identifying good practices (programs) in the prevention of burnout in universities in the world and evaluating their implementation, together with policy makers.
  • Evaluation: generally positive or very positive. This stimulates the continuation of efforts at the European level aimed at prevention and therapy of burnout in academic environments.

5. The European BENDiT-EU project dedicated to the academic burnout syndrome: results and perspectives

Date: June 9th, 2023

Event: The 15th Congress of the Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Bucharest, Romania


Assoc Prof Dr Ovidiu Popa-Velea

Department of Medical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy– Bucharest, Romania


70 persons, mostly Psychiatry specialists and residents

Key points:

  • The prevalence of the burnout syndrome among workers in the medical environment (including psychiatrists) has increased.
  • Its primary prevention, as well as the development of a functional case management system for handling burnout, should represent major priorities.
  • Students are key actors in delivering good quality care and their mental health should be a concern for decision-makers in the health field.
  • The European project BENDiT-EU, coordinated by the UMF Carol Davila – Bucharest, aimed to prepare a comprehensive set of resources for the prevention and management of burnout in universities of Medicine.
  • Partners in the project: the National Institute of Health Services Management

(INMSS) from Bucharest; University of Nicosia, Cyprus; University of Murcia, Spain;

Lusofona University, Portugal; Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria and VITECO, Italy.

  • Target groups: students in Medicine and in health-related fields from the partner countries, the support staff working in the five universities within the BENDiT-EU project, and the representatives of governing bodies, responsible for developing policies at the university level.
  • Products realized:
  1. Burnout manual-pocket edition (in English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Greek, Romanian,

Portuguese and Italian): its main objective is to increase the level of awareness of students at

Medicine and from fields related to Medicine regarding academic burnout. It is structured in three chapters (dedicated to diagnosis, prevention, and therapeutic interventions).

  1. Burnout web platform: provides to users the real-time opportunity to self-assess their level

of burnout, in association with their well-being, depression and resilience. At the same time, it offers information about access to resources offered by local communities, frequently asked questions about burnout and basics about self-management interventions for burnout symptoms.

  1. The curriculum for students: is structured in two modules lasting 5 days [module 1 –

The concept of academic burnout, assessment and identification (3 days), module 2 – Interventions and resources for academic burnout (2 days)]. In addition to the basic text support, this curriculum contains presentations in Powerpoint, with annotated slides for teachers or trainers.

The Train-the-trainer guide for trainers and support staff: provides basic information on

the way of presenting curriculum information. It also helps the trainers in checking the understanding of the information by the target group.

  1. Policy suggestions: aimed at identifying good practices (programs) in the prevention of burnout in universities in the world and evaluating their implementation, together with policy makers.
  • Perspectives of implementation are situated at multiple levels (from individual to collective, and from the reparatory to formative ones).

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Περιγραφή Έργου

Αποστολή/ Όραμα/ Στόχοι

Η κοινοπραξία του προγράμματος BENDiT-EU αποσκοπεί στην ανάπτυξη ενός ευρύτερου φάσματος δεξιοτήτων, εργαλείων και νορμών, που θα επιτρέπουν στους χρήστες να διαχειρίζονται με επάρκεια ζητήματα σχετικά με την ακαδημαϊκή εξουθένωση, από τα αρχικά κιόλας στάδια της επαγγελματικής τους σταδιοδρομίας.

Μέσω του προγράμματος BENDiT-EU, το θέμα της επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης προσεγγίζεται σε πολλαπλά επίπεδα με βάση τις εξής ανάγκες:

Οι στόχοι του έργου BENDiT-EU είναι:

Κύρια παραδοτέα

Το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα έχει ως σκοπό να βοηθήσει στην ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων, εργαλείων και νορμών, τα οποία θα βοηθήσουν τους χρήστες να διαχειρίζονται επαρκώς θέματα σε σχέση με την ακαδημαϊκή εξουθένωση, κυρίως στα αρχικά στάδια της επαγγελματικής τους ανάπτυξης. Τα παραδοτέα του προγράμματος περιλαμβάνουν ένα σύνολο χρήσιμων εργαλείων, πρόσφατα αναπτυγμένο εκπαιδευτικό υλικό και στοχευμένες συστάσεις πολιτικής για την αντιμετώπιση της ακαδημαϊκής εξουθένωσης ως εξής:

Οι ομάδες στις οποίες στοχεύουμε

Οι καινοτομίες του προγράμματος

Descrição do Projeto


O BENDiT-EU cria sinergias a partir de conhecimentos complementares, habilidades e recursos dos parceiros envolvidos, e o seu valor único em fornecer soluções reais e respostas tangíveis para apoiar a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento de burnout em estudantes de medicina e noutras áreas da saúde.

O projeto não é uma alternativa ao sistema educacional formal, mas sim uma melhoria para o desenvolvimento de um extenso painel de competências, ferramentas e normas, que permitiriam aos seus utilizadores gerir com eficiência as questões relacionadas com o burnout académico, desde o início da sua formação profissional.

O consórcio BENDiT-EU inclui universidades que são líderes na área e profissionais que atuam no campo da educação de burnout, normativas e abordagens digitais, que em conjunto contribuirão para as atividades e resultados do projeto, networking internacional, sustentabilidade dos resultados e impacto alcançados.

Abordaremos o burnout em vários níveis:

Os objectivos do projecto são:


A BENDiT-EU operacionalizará esta parceria com diferentes partes interessadas para fornecer uma mais-valia ao nível europeu em três áreas de desempenho: construir e manter uma rede orientada; promover a aprendizagem mútua e a harmonização dentro e fora da Europa; reunir diferentes tipos de recursos internacionais – para proporcionar um maior alcance dos resultados alcançados.

Produziremos um conjunto de ferramentas úteis, materiais de formação apoiados na investigação mais recente e recomendações políticas direccionadas para abordar o burnout académico nas universidades médicas e áreas da saúde análogas (ver a secção Resultados para mais pormenores), como se segue:



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Описание на проекта

Мисия/ Визия / Цели

BENDiT-EU създава синергии от допълващи се знания, умения и ресурси на участващите партньори и тяхната уникална стойност в предоставянето на реални решения и отговори в подкрепа на превенцията, диагностиката и справянето с прегарянето при студентите по медицина и близките с тях здравни области.

Проектът не е алтернатива на официалната образователна система, а по-скоро стъпало за разработване на обширен набор от умения, инструменти и нормативи, които биха позволили на техните потребители да управляват ефективно проблемите, свързани с академичното прегаряне, в началото на професионалното си формиране.

Консорциумът BENDiT-EU е с много участници и се състои от водещи университети и практици, активни в областта на образованието за прегаряне, нормативите и дигиталните подходи, които съвместно ще допринесат за дейностите по проекта и неговите резултати, международните мрежи , устойчивостта на тези резултати и постигнатото въздействие.

Ще обърнем внимание на прегарянето на няколко нива:

Целите на проекта са:


BENDiT-EU ще приведе в действие това стабилно партньорство с множество заинтересовани страни, за да предостави европейска стойност в три области: изграждане и поддържане на целева мрежа; насърчаване на взаимно обучение и хармонизиране в и извън Европа; обединяване на международни ресурси – за осигуряване на по-голям обхват и разпространение на постигнатите резултати.

Ние ще създадем набор от полезни инструменти, новоразработени обучителни материали и препоръки за политики за справяне с академичното прегаряне в медицинските и свързаните с тях здравни университети (вижте раздела Резултати за повече подробности), както следва:



Descrierea proiectului


BENDiT-EU creează sinergii din cunoștințele, abilitățile, resursele complementare şi valorile unice ale partenerilor implicați, rezultând soluții reale și răspunsuri tangibile, pentru a sprijini prevenţia, diagnosticarea și tratarea sindromului burnout la studenții la Medicină și din domeniile conexe ale sănătății.

Proiectul nu este o alternativă la sistemul educațional formal, ci mai degrabă o piatră de temelie pentru a dezvolta un inventar extins de competențe, instrumente și normative, care ar permite utilizatorilor să gestioneze eficient problemele legate de epuizarea academică, la începutul formării lor profesionale.

Consorțiul BENDiT-EU este unul de tip multivalent, cuprinzând universități de top și practicieni activi în domeniul educației despre burnout, normativelor și abordărilor digitale. Aceştia vor contribui împreună la activitățile și rezultatele proiectului, la crearea de reţelei internaționale și la sustenabilitatea rezultatelor și impactului obținut.

Vom aborda burnout-ul la mai multe niveluri:

Obiectivele proiectului sunt:


BENDiT-EU va operaționaliza acest parteneriat de tip multi-stakeholder, pentru a oferi valoare adăugată europeană în trei domenii distincte de performanță: construirea si mentinerea retelei vizate; promovarea învățării reciproce și a armonizării în și dincolo de Europa; punerea în comun a diferitelor resurse internaționale – pentru a oferi o mai mare amploare și extensie rezultatelor obținute.

Vom elabora și implementa un set de instrumente utile, materiale de training inovative și recomandări și politici specifice privind burnoutul academic în universitățile de Medicină și din domenii conexe, după cum urmează:



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