
Burnout manual - pocket edition - Raising awareness on academic burnout by providing on a wide scale up-to-date, evidence-based information for the identification, the prevention and the most effective interventions.

The aim of the Burnout Manual- pocket edition- is to increase the awareness and understanding of academic burnout, as well as of the factors that lead to its development among medical students and allied health students. Raising the awareness of academic burnout by designing a Burnout manual – pocket edition will also help professors, student advisors and student counseling specialists from universities to prevent and develop a more compatible medical education environment with the needs of the students.

The content of academic Burnout Manual-pocket edition- is structured in 3 main chapters of utmost importance and impact for acknowledging the burnout theme: diagnosis, prevention and interventions.

The Burnout Diagnosis chapter includes topics such as definitions, types of burnout, protective and risk factors/stress triggers, signs and symptoms of burnout, as well as self-evaluation instruments for burnout, whereas the Burnout Prevention chapter encompasses elements of primary and secondary prevention classified in management of individual resources, organizational activities, and protective laws and regulations. The Burnout Interventions chapter is organized around two main directions: Individual and group activities that are effective in alleviating burnout symptoms and services provided by universities, respectively. Among the topics encountered in the individual and group activities of the chapter, the following are enclosed: relaxation techniques, self-understanding, coping skills and social support, while in the services provided by universities are included the mentoring and support provided by tutors and the help offered by the Balint groups.

The innovation of this booklet is two folded: (1) it was evaluated by the end-users themselves, namely medical students and allied health students and improved accordingly, and (2) it was peer–reviewed by two specialists, apart from the contributors, from each country of the Consortium, and it was changed accordingly.

We hope that The Burnout manual – pocket edition will help medical and allied health students during their university studies to easily identify burnout in their own life or to identify it in their colleagues as well as professors and tutors in their quest to prevent and implement specific interventions.

Burnout Web Platform - a digital tool for the self-assessment of Burnout, providing also self-help and community resources

The aim of the Burnout Web Platform (BWP) is to merge, based on the information provided in the Burnout Manual- pocket edition, in an online friendly platform the necessary instruments about academic burnout to help in diagnosing and preventing burnout among medical students and allied health students.

In this sense, Burnout Web Platform (BWP) will uncover information regarding the prevalence of academic burnout among users, the most useful and frequent interventions, as well as take ito account their  feedback,  guaranteeing the confidentiality of the collected and analyzed data.

The knowledge generated by the screening instruments of academic burnout within the platform will be transformed into meaningful and substantial policies of the medical profession.

The General content of the BWP is structured as follows:

Curriculum for students and Train-the-trainer for support staff - Improving the skills of medical students and staff working in university support services who directly address or refer to cases of academic burnout.

The Curriculum for students and train-the-trainer for support staff consists of a five-day experiential research-based training for students and an accompanying train-the-trainer resource guide for support staff of the partner universities.

The content of the curriculum for students as well as the train-the-trainer resource guide are structured around two modules: Module 1 – “What is burnout? What are the risk factors for burnout in the academic environment?” and Module 2 “Available resources”.

Module 1 “What is burnout? What are the risk factors for burnout in the academic environment?”

Module 2 “Available resources”:

Both the curriculum for students and the resource guide for the support staff will be tested in the framework of the learning-teaching training activities (see the Events section- hyperlink).

Policy toolkit - a set of recommendations for addressing the development of normatives and regulations designed for the prevention of academic burnout at the university level, along with a methodology for the adaptation of these recommendations.

The policy toolkit concentrates on the three Rs approach for an organizational response to the burnout issue, as follows:

Around these three stages for preventing burnout, along with the decision-makers from all partner universities, a consensus-based methodology to develop a set of best practices and policy recommendations for addressing academic burnout at an institutional level will be employed. The toolkit will summarize best practices on an international level and will provide a set of measures that medical and allied health universities could implement, in order to decrease student burnout. The official launch will take place during a Multiplier event (hyperlink).

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Περιγραφή Έργου

Αποστολή/ Όραμα/ Στόχοι

Η κοινοπραξία του προγράμματος BENDiT-EU αποσκοπεί στην ανάπτυξη ενός ευρύτερου φάσματος δεξιοτήτων, εργαλείων και νορμών, που θα επιτρέπουν στους χρήστες να διαχειρίζονται με επάρκεια ζητήματα σχετικά με την ακαδημαϊκή εξουθένωση, από τα αρχικά κιόλας στάδια της επαγγελματικής τους σταδιοδρομίας.

Μέσω του προγράμματος BENDiT-EU, το θέμα της επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης προσεγγίζεται σε πολλαπλά επίπεδα με βάση τις εξής ανάγκες:

Οι στόχοι του έργου BENDiT-EU είναι:

Κύρια παραδοτέα

Το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα έχει ως σκοπό να βοηθήσει στην ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων, εργαλείων και νορμών, τα οποία θα βοηθήσουν τους χρήστες να διαχειρίζονται επαρκώς θέματα σε σχέση με την ακαδημαϊκή εξουθένωση, κυρίως στα αρχικά στάδια της επαγγελματικής τους ανάπτυξης. Τα παραδοτέα του προγράμματος περιλαμβάνουν ένα σύνολο χρήσιμων εργαλείων, πρόσφατα αναπτυγμένο εκπαιδευτικό υλικό και στοχευμένες συστάσεις πολιτικής για την αντιμετώπιση της ακαδημαϊκής εξουθένωσης ως εξής:

Οι ομάδες στις οποίες στοχεύουμε

Οι καινοτομίες του προγράμματος

Descrição do Projeto


O BENDiT-EU cria sinergias a partir de conhecimentos complementares, habilidades e recursos dos parceiros envolvidos, e o seu valor único em fornecer soluções reais e respostas tangíveis para apoiar a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento de burnout em estudantes de medicina e noutras áreas da saúde.

O projeto não é uma alternativa ao sistema educacional formal, mas sim uma melhoria para o desenvolvimento de um extenso painel de competências, ferramentas e normas, que permitiriam aos seus utilizadores gerir com eficiência as questões relacionadas com o burnout académico, desde o início da sua formação profissional.

O consórcio BENDiT-EU inclui universidades que são líderes na área e profissionais que atuam no campo da educação de burnout, normativas e abordagens digitais, que em conjunto contribuirão para as atividades e resultados do projeto, networking internacional, sustentabilidade dos resultados e impacto alcançados.

Abordaremos o burnout em vários níveis:

Os objectivos do projecto são:


A BENDiT-EU operacionalizará esta parceria com diferentes partes interessadas para fornecer uma mais-valia ao nível europeu em três áreas de desempenho: construir e manter uma rede orientada; promover a aprendizagem mútua e a harmonização dentro e fora da Europa; reunir diferentes tipos de recursos internacionais – para proporcionar um maior alcance dos resultados alcançados.

Produziremos um conjunto de ferramentas úteis, materiais de formação apoiados na investigação mais recente e recomendações políticas direccionadas para abordar o burnout académico nas universidades médicas e áreas da saúde análogas (ver a secção Resultados para mais pormenores), como se segue:



Описание на проекта

Мисия/ Визия / Цели

BENDiT-EU създава синергии от допълващи се знания, умения и ресурси на участващите партньори и тяхната уникална стойност в предоставянето на реални решения и отговори в подкрепа на превенцията, диагностиката и справянето с прегарянето при студентите по медицина и близките с тях здравни области.

Проектът не е алтернатива на официалната образователна система, а по-скоро стъпало за разработване на обширен набор от умения, инструменти и нормативи, които биха позволили на техните потребители да управляват ефективно проблемите, свързани с академичното прегаряне, в началото на професионалното си формиране.

Консорциумът BENDiT-EU е с много участници и се състои от водещи университети и практици, активни в областта на образованието за прегаряне, нормативите и дигиталните подходи, които съвместно ще допринесат за дейностите по проекта и неговите резултати, международните мрежи , устойчивостта на тези резултати и постигнатото въздействие.

Ще обърнем внимание на прегарянето на няколко нива:

Целите на проекта са:


BENDiT-EU ще приведе в действие това стабилно партньорство с множество заинтересовани страни, за да предостави европейска стойност в три области: изграждане и поддържане на целева мрежа; насърчаване на взаимно обучение и хармонизиране в и извън Европа; обединяване на международни ресурси – за осигуряване на по-голям обхват и разпространение на постигнатите резултати.

Ние ще създадем набор от полезни инструменти, новоразработени обучителни материали и препоръки за политики за справяне с академичното прегаряне в медицинските и свързаните с тях здравни университети (вижте раздела Резултати за повече подробности), както следва:



Descrierea proiectului


BENDiT-EU creează sinergii din cunoștințele, abilitățile, resursele complementare şi valorile unice ale partenerilor implicați, rezultând soluții reale și răspunsuri tangibile, pentru a sprijini prevenţia, diagnosticarea și tratarea sindromului burnout la studenții la Medicină și din domeniile conexe ale sănătății.

Proiectul nu este o alternativă la sistemul educațional formal, ci mai degrabă o piatră de temelie pentru a dezvolta un inventar extins de competențe, instrumente și normative, care ar permite utilizatorilor să gestioneze eficient problemele legate de epuizarea academică, la începutul formării lor profesionale.

Consorțiul BENDiT-EU este unul de tip multivalent, cuprinzând universități de top și practicieni activi în domeniul educației despre burnout, normativelor și abordărilor digitale. Aceştia vor contribui împreună la activitățile și rezultatele proiectului, la crearea de reţelei internaționale și la sustenabilitatea rezultatelor și impactului obținut.

Vom aborda burnout-ul la mai multe niveluri:

Obiectivele proiectului sunt:


BENDiT-EU va operaționaliza acest parteneriat de tip multi-stakeholder, pentru a oferi valoare adăugată europeană în trei domenii distincte de performanță: construirea si mentinerea retelei vizate; promovarea învățării reciproce și a armonizării în și dincolo de Europa; punerea în comun a diferitelor resurse internaționale – pentru a oferi o mai mare amploare și extensie rezultatelor obținute.

Vom elabora și implementa un set de instrumente utile, materiale de training inovative și recomandări și politici specifice privind burnoutul academic în universitățile de Medicină și din domenii conexe, după cum urmează:
